

The Center for Language Science (CLS), located in the Moore Building, is an interdisciplinary group of linguists, psycholinguists, applied linguists, speech-language pathologists, speech scientists, and cognitive neuroscientists who share an interest in language science and bilingualism.

Our research focuses on language science from a diverse set of perspectives. These include:
  • Typical and atypical language development
  • First and second language acquisition
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Cognitive neuroscience
  • Field linguistics
  • Applied linguistics

Using sophisticated behavioral and neuroscience methods such as eye tracking, acoustic analysis, and electrophysiological recording of brain activity, members of the CLS seek to learn about the inner workings of language with a special focus on bilingualism.

The CLS meets weekly to discuss research, read papers together, share new methodological developments, and practice giving conference talks. One of our main goals is to foster collaborative research projects across the disciplines.

The CLS includes affiliated researchers around the world. Our many national and international collaborations bring distinguished visitors to the Penn State campus, and provide opportunities for our students to gain valuable research experience at other U.S. universities as well as in other countries. The CLS is an affiliate of the NSF Science of Learning Center at Gallaudet University, opening up further opportunities for collaboration in deaf studies, translation, and sign languages.

Support for the CLS is provided from within Penn State by the Children, Youth, and Families Consortium, the College of the Liberal Arts, and the College of Health and Human Development. Funding for individual faculty and graduate students is provided by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation.

Contact Us

As an interdisciplinary center, we can be contacted through a number of ways.  

  • Individual members may be contacted with the information provided in the People section.
  • Our primary contact is provided below as well as the contact information of each of the departments that the Center for Language Science represents.

Center for Language Science
Moore Building
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802


Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders
308 Ford Building
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802 
Phone: (814)-865-5414 
Fax: (814)-863-3759

Department of French and Francophone Studies
231 Burrowes Building
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802 
Phone: (814)-865-1492 
Fax: (814)-863-1103

Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages
427 Burrowes Building
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802 
Phone: 814-865-5481
Fax: (814)-863-8882

Program in Linguistics
414 Burrowes Building
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802 
Phone: (814)-867-2337 

Department of Psychology
140 Moore Building
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814)-865-9514
Fax: (814)-863-7002

Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese
231 Burrowes Building
Penn State
University Park, PA 16802 
Phone: (814)-865-4252
Fax: (814)-863-7944 