CLS faculty awarded NSF Research Traineeship grant

The National Science Foundation has awarded a 5-year NRT graduate training grant to the CLS and colleagues in the colleges of Engineering, Information Science and Technology, Health and Human Development, and Education, in addition to the Institute for Computational and Data Science. The title of the graduate training program is “Linguistic diversity across the lifespan (LINDIV): Transforming training to advance human-technology interaction”.

The goal of the LINDIV training program is to educate a new generation of experts in human-technology interaction who can bridge the gap between human linguistic diversity and technological linguistic illiteracy. LINDIV provides a two-year training and fellowships to 48 students from graduate programs in Psychology, German, Spanish, and CSD, as well as Computer Science and Engineering, Information Sciences and Technology, and Learning Design and Technology. This training will culminate in the new graduate certificate "Linguistic Diversity and Technology."

LINDIV team members include PI Janet van Hell and co-PIs Giuli Dussias, Carrie Jackson, and Carol Miller, as well as Marcela Borge, Jenni Evans, Lee Giles, Janice Light, and Rebecca Passonneau.

Congratulations to the entire LINDIV team!

To learn a little more about the LINDIV program, click this link to read the news article from Penn State News, which includes excerpts from an interview with Janet van Hell. More detailed information about LINDIV will be available at the CLS colloquium (via Zoom) on October 8th.