Volunteers needed-Children’s Day @ Arts Fest

Another outreach opportunity is quickly approaching and we need to begin planning for this event, starting with our gracious volunteers!

Children’s Day at the Central PA Arts Festival arts-festival.com is scheduled on Wednesday, July 12th and we will once again have a display at Old Main lawn.  We could really use your help and are asking for volunteers throughout the day to help with various tasks.  The event runs from approximately 9am-3pm and we’re looking for multiple volunteers to work 1 hour shifts throughout the day (4-5 volunteers per shift).  Of course, if you’re willing and able to work more (or less) than that, we’re just grateful to have you!  A few of our planned activities include face and/or arm painting and stenciled name tags that the kids can make in various languages.  Once we have volunteers recruited, we plan to hold a meeting to prepare for the day.    

If you’re interested in volunteering and representing the CLS at this upcoming event, please contact or no later than Monday, June 12th.  Please also indicate any times you would be available to help out that day.