Carrie Jackson
Second Language Acquisition Laboratory
- Second language acquisition
- Psycholinguistics
- Sentence processing
Keppenne, V., Hopman, E., & Jackson, C.N. (2021). Production training benefits both comprehension and production of grammatical gender agreement in L2 German. Applied Psycholinguistics. Advanced online publication:
Brehm, L., Jackson, C.N., & Miller, K.L. (2021). Probabilistic online processing of sentence anomalies. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. Advanced online publication:
Blanchette, F., Reed, P., Flannery, E., & Jackson, C.N. (2020). Linguistic diversity in Appalachia: The case of negative auxiliary inversion. American Speech, 95(3), 297-320.
Henry, N., Hopp, H., & Jackson, C.N. (2020). The use of prosody and case marking in L2 sentence processing. Second Language Research. Advanced online publication:
Jackson, C.N., & Hopp, H. (2020). Prediction error and implicit learning in L1 and L2 syntactic priming. International Journal of Bilingualism, 24(5-6), 895-911.
Jackson, C.N., Lorimor, H., & van Hell, J.G. (2020). The ERP correlates of predicting thematic roles during the comprehension of passive versus active sentences. Journal of Neurolinguistics. Advanced online publication:
Hopp, H., Bail, J., & Jackson, C.N. (2020). Frequency at the syntax-discourse interface: A bidirectional study on fronting options in L1/L2 German and L1/L2 English. Second Language Research, 36(1), 65-96.
Lorimor, H., Jackson, C.N., & van Hell, J.G. (2019). The interaction of notional number and morphophonology in subject-verb agreement: A role for working memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(4), 890-900.
Sandberg, C., *Kerschen, K., *Carpenter, E., Paolieri, D., & Jackson, C.N. (2019). The benefits of abstract word training on productive vocabulary knowledge among second language learners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40(6), 1331-1362.
Brehm, L., Jackson, C.N., & Miller, K.A. (2019). Speaker-specific processing of anomalous sentences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(4), 764-778.
Jackson, C.N., Mormer, E., & Brehm, L. (2018). The production of subject-verb agreement among Swedish and Chinese second language learners of English. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 40(4), 907-921.
Jackson, C.N. (2018). Second language structural priming: A review of recent research and directions for future research. Second Language Research, 34(4), 539-552.