Philip Baldi

Professor Emeritus of Linguistics and Classics


Research Interests:

Latin linguistics, Indo-European, lexical change, syntactic change

Special Recognition:

Recipient of D.H.C. (doctor honoris causa), Uppsala University, Sweden (2010)

Recipient of Studies in Classical Linguistics in Honor of Philip Baldi, edited by B. Richard Page and Aaron D. Rubin. Leiden: Brill (2010)


Good Words Gone Bad.  Semantic Change in the History of English.  In preparation

The Foundations of Latin. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1999. (Paperback, 2002.)

An Introduction to the Indo-European Languages. Carbondale and Edwardsville, IL: Southern Illinois University Press, 1983. (2nd printing, 1985; 3rd printing, 1997.)

Edited Volumes:

Readings in Historical Phonology: Chapters in the Theory of Sound Change. University Park, PA and London: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1978 (co-edited with R.N. Werth). (2nd printing, 1979.)

Papers from the Twelfth Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1984.

Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1990.

Patterns of Change, Change of Patterns: Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1991. (Condensed version of Linguistic Change and Reconstruction Methodology)

Studies in Baltic and Indo-European in Honor of William R. Schmalstieg on the Occasion of his 75th Birthday. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2004 (co-edited with Pietro U. Dini)

New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax. 4 volumes. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2009-11 (co-edited with Pierluigi Cuzzolin)

Recent Articles and Book Chapters:

Italic languages. In the Oxford Bibliographies Online:  Classics, ed. Dee Clayman.  Oxford Univ. Press (co-authored with Gabriel Bakkum).  Online at:, 2012

Taking a Position in Latin.  In Archaeology and Language: Indo-European Studies Presented to James P. Mallory, ed. by Huld, Martin E., Jones-Bley, Karlene and Dean Miller, pp. 121-140. Washington:  Institute for the Study of Man (=JIES Monograph No. 60) 2012 (co-authored with Pierluigi Cuzzolin)

Historical linguistics and cognitive science.  Rhesis 3.1: 5-27 (co-authored with Giuli Dussias).  Online at: (2012)

A Note on Latin necessus.  Journal of Latin Linguistics Vol. 12,2:  137-146. (2013)

Old Wine, New Bottles.  A Fresh Look at Syntactic Change in the History of Latin. In Proceedings of the XVI International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics, ed, by Gerd Haverling, pp. 31-46. (2015)

Indo-European Languages.  In the International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by James Wright.  2nd edition, Vol. 11.  Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 820-827. (2015) (Co-authored with Pierluigi Cuzzolin)

‘The Uniformitarian Principle’: dalle scienze naturali alla linguistica storica?  In Modelli epistemologici,metodologiedella ricerca e qualità del dato, ed. byPiera Molinelli and Ignazio Putzu.  Milan: Franco Angeli, pp. 37-49 (2015)

The Syntax of Italic. In Handbuch der vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft, Jared S. Klein, Brian Joseph and Matthias Fritz, forthcoming in 2016. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter

Philip  Baldi