Local Opportunities
The global reality is all around us, including our immediate surroundings, so it is really easy to start becoming a global citizen at any given time. Here are some local opportunities that involve global issues.
International Opportunities
Besides the traditional study abroad opportunity, there are many other ways to gain a once-in-a-lifetime international experience. Check out the different organizations that can help you plan a research, volunteering, or internship program—during or after your college years. Talk to your academic adviser about how to make the most appropriate choice.
Graduate Schools
Changing the world is a serious venture—sometimes it requires advanced academic work beyond college. Here are some top graduate programs that can help you reach your goals.
Global Careers
Wondering what you can do with a major focused on global problems? Here is some information regarding international and global careers you can start researching early in college. Some of these websites also post internships you can apply for now.