Saving and Storing Information

Information is not saved locally to the virtual desktop. To save and store information and prevent loss of your files, you will need to keep files in a cloud location. 



As the virtual desktop loads, you will receive a pop-up for OneDrive. Enter your Penn State email.


After entering your information in, you will be asked to sign into your Penn State account.


Once you finished using two factor authentication, you will be given a tour of OneDrive. Pay close attention to the highlighted box. This is where you save files in the virtual desktop. This tour will also teach you:

  1. How to save files
  2. How to share files to others using OneDrive
  3. How to ensure files are syncing between the virtual desktop and OneDrive 

Google Drive

NOTE: Penn State does not offer Google Drive storage options. Additionally, Google Drive is not embedded into the Virtual Desktop. However, if you have a personal Google account, it can be used to save and store files. 


You will need to sign into your personal Google account or create an account if you do not have one. 


After signing into your drive, you will need to upload documents created in the Virtual Desktop to your drive. Once you do this, you can access these files from any device able to access the Google Drive.